Customer service tips

2 min read by Nichita Herpuț

published 3 years ago, updated 2 years ago

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Loyal customers who always return your way are like a dream that every major business or entrepreneur has had in their beginnings. Whether you dream of having devoted followers queuing up outside your store, or receiving fan mail in bulk about how they love your products and services. There is just no better feeling than when you see your customers coming back again and again. Here are five customer service tips to get more returning clients.

  1. Actively foster loyalty
  2. Don’t let your customers forget you
  3. Offer the luxury of choice
  4. Redefine customer care
  5. Going that extra mile to show that you care

Actively foster loyalty

Sometimes it is okay to bribe people when only if it is doing them good! You can reward your users for repeated purchases. According to a study, the customers who shop once at a store have a 27% chance of making a second purchase. However, someone who has bought something from a store for four times in a row has a 59% chance of coming again. You can set up a dedicated loyalty program where you reward every single purchase on an incremental basis. Take airline and credit card loyalty programs for example. Use Mail Chimp to stay in touch with your prospects!

Don’t let your customers forget you

“Brand recall” is a popular term among advertisers. It basically refers to a consumer’s ability to recognize and associate positive experiences they had with your brand and keep coming back to it.

You should try strategies that make the users engage more with your brand as it will help you retain a high repeat visit rate, and an equally high recall value.

Offer the luxury of choice

shopping cart in supermarket aisle
shopping cart in supermarket aisle

In today’s world, customers have a major say in how far ahead or behind you are to your competition. You should be aware of this and act accordingly. Make your customers feel special and create products or services with distinct variations that suit different tastes. This way, more users will find satisfaction with your brand and products.

Redefine customer care

gold shop assistant helping customer
gold shop assistant helping customer

Consistent service is important for retaining customers. The overall poor quality of customer service is one of the people's main frustrations these days, and it leads to a huge loss in the business world. A consumer is likely to tell 9-15 other people about their negative experiences – something that can have dire consequences for your brand.

Going that extra mile to show that you care

smiling bartender serving beer
smiling bartender serving beer

If a user feels like a brand values them, they will always return the favor by giving you their loyalty. Just making a sale isn’t enough. You should make your customer base feel important by taking into account their feedback of the shopping experience and how they feel after using the product. Even a “thank you” e-mail after the first purchase will show the user that you and your company value their purchases and look forward to serving them again.


All the prospects require extra attention. Apply these 5 customer service tips and see how they can make you more money. There may be some changes to be made, but they are all for a brighter future!

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Do you have other tips that you would like to share? Comment below and tell us your experience.

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