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Deal of the day

2 min read by Nichita Herpuț

published 6 years ago, updated 5 years ago

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people making a deal over a table with laptops
people making a deal over a table with laptops

Have you considered why your customers choose your products over your closest competitors?

If you think about it, there are certain important aspects that set a particular brand to succeed having only "Deal of the day" is not enough. In an effort to better manage your business, you will need to understand your target customers and how different product offers can influence them.

Promotions and deals are important strategies for maintaining interest, though a lot of businesses overlook them out of fear of losing profit, instead losing out on a big opportunity. Don't strive to introduce more and more new products to keep up with the market, but increase your rate of sale by putting together tempting deals and offers. Bumping up the sales doesn't always mean introducing a new product!

Why are promotions and product offers important?

Arguably, the most important purpose that promotion serves is setting your products apart from competition. In order to gain an edge over competitors and have your customers keep doing business with you, you will need to pay close attention to promotions and product offers. That's because, when competitors are selling similar products or services to yours, your best shot at winning over your target customers is offering special promotions. Find more tips on how to create better deals here.

Benefits of promotions and special offers

Holding special promotional sales and giving out discounts is helpful in a number of ways:

  • Increases brand awareness
  • Builds sales and generates profits
  • Increases customer traffic
  • Provides appropriate information

You can also introduce new products easily in the market by adding them as part of promotional packages or limited flash sales, or offering special first-time deals on them.

Timing your discounts

happy people holding chess pieces and blue signs
happy people holding chess pieces and blue signs

Timing is a critical factor in the success of any strategy.

Today's consumers have increasing disposable income, which means they can and do spend more than ever before. They're still cautious about their spending, but they're slowly gaining confidence. All it takes is a little incentive to turn them from lurkers to buyers! Since the customers are still heavily influenced by price something like: deal of the day, promotions sales or coupons might be the push they need to make that first purchase. Send your promotions easily with Mail Chimp!

Want to create professional product offers in a better, faster, smarter way? Check out OptiOffer and find how easy it really is!

Do you have other tips that you would like to share? Comment below and tell us your experience.

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